Flex RA Support – On Demand Research Administration

One of my favourite things to do is dive into grants that haven’t been looked at in a long time. Over the last few years, the administrative burden has become untenable, and the vacancies have made it so that even the best of RAs are falling behind. Anyone who has been doing this for long enough knows that feeling – it’s the one where you realize that you are behind, and you’re not sure how you’re going to dig yourself out.
Then comes the judgement – how did I let this happen? I know better?
That is the hardest part for me with my clients – is helping them to see that they don’t need to be so hard on themselves. This is a systemic issue plaguing resadmin across the country, and some of the best most capable RAs are feeling this way, but none of us are comfortable asking for help, so it builds and builds and builds.
And asking for help can feel like you’re showing someone the inside of your drawers, it feels vulnerable – intimate, scary. Like therapy. Which is why I love my job as a crisis manager. I’ve seen it all before, there’s nothing that makes me gasp in shock, and more than that, I’ve seen enough to help my clients release their own self-judgement, and get on a path to feeling like there is a light at the end of the tunnel
We’re partners in this – the goal is crystal clarity and confidence in your portfolios that you can run with with the confidence that the relationship isn’t forever. I’m a spot cleaner, like Jason Statham, I come in, help solve the problem with surgical precision, and then disappear like mist. But don’t worry, if you say my name 3 times in a mirror, I can come back to help you again.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed under a tsunami of things to do, and you’re looking for someone to partner with you to help dig out – drop me a line at me@minessa.com – and we can talk about how we can work together to help move mountains.

By Minessa